Hi, I'm Jacques

Technology addict and horses lover



I am a full time professor in telecommunications at the “Haute école d’ingénierie et d’architecture” of Fribourg. In my free time, I continue to write code, learn things and tinker with technology, but once a week, I go out with my horse for a long ride in the forrest.

My favorite programming language is go and I also like to code in Python and Kotlin. I am teaching Java for the students in the first year (Introduction to programming) and C and ARM assembler for the students in the second year (Embedded systems). I also give a lecture on Operating Systems.

I am passionate about programming and I love to share my passion with others. This is why, with Lucy Linder and Damien Goetschi, I founded the GDG Fribourg (Google Developer Group). I am also the president of the “Passeport vacances Fribourg” and I organize several coding workshops for the children.

Latest Post

Aug 29, 2019

Les Commits Conventionnels (ou Commits Sémantiques)

(This article is only available in French / cet article n’est disponible qu’en français) Aujourd’hui, rare sont les développeurs qui remettent en cause l’utilisation d’un logiciel de gestion des versions tel que «git» et pour la plupart, c’en est même devenu ou outil indispensable qu’ils utilisent tous les jours. La tâche principale d’un logiciel de gestion des versions est de gérer plusieurs versions des fichiers qui composent un projet informatique (ou autre). Read more


  Jacques Supcik
Pérolles d’en Haut 5
1752 Villars-sur-Glâne

My current local time is .
